Kits for Kids

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

NAMI Richland County Ohio
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Help NAMI Richland County kick off the holidays with our new fundraising event, Kits for Kids!


raised by 0 people

$500 goal

Help NAMI Richland County kick off the holidays with our new fundraising event, Kits for Kids! NAMI Richland County has teamed up with AR Workshop in Ontario to provide everyone with the opportunity to purchase a fun crafting kit for yourself, or to do with family, this holiday season - all while giving to a great non-profit organization, NAMI!

NAMI Richland County plans on utilizing these funds to support a new adventure, beginning a support group for youth between 9th and 12th grades. Please share this fundraising post with friends and families to help NAMI Richland County support youth in our community through engaging activities, mental health education, emotional regulation strategies, and more!

With the purchase of each kit that is sold, NAMI will receive a $5 donation. Our goal is to reach 100 sold kits, so help us in getting the word out and have fun with your family and friends with this holiday activity!

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