Organization name
Visual Bucket List Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Wishes
1669 Lexington Ave. Suite BMansfield, OH 44907
$16,454 raised by 115 donors
100% complete
$15,000 Goal
The Visual Bucket List Foundation’s mission is to provide children facing severe visual impairment or complete loss of vision with unique, personalized opportunities to create lasting visual memories to color their minds in the event their world goes dark.
Imagine losing your vision. What would you wish you would have seen? What visual memories would you want to carry in your mind for the rest of your days? A loved one’s face? A landscape or landmark? An accomplishment, a seat in a cockpit or race car, a sea of smiling faces at Disneyworld, an icon in the flesh? The Visual Bucket List Foundation’s goal is to provide these individual, visual memories to children and their families, helping them cross items off of their bucket list.
This year, we are raising funds to make wishes come true for our 2025 grantees! Solomon dreams of seeing the Statue of Liberty, and Ethan hopes to take a scenic train ride and go whale watching. These incredible experiences are only possible with the generosity of our s
The Visual Bucket List Foundation enables children up to the age of 18 with severe visual impairments the opportunity to create a meaningful visual memory to last a lifetime. Each case is unique and individualized based on the child’s personal visual bucket list and their capabilities. Since VBLF's inception in 2018, the organization has been able to send children losing their vision into the cockpit with the Blue Angels, on a private safari, to view Christmas lights from the sky, to a dinosaur dig in South Dakota, on an all expense paid trip to Disney World, on an up close and personal tour of the Merriweather Circus, and on a behind the scenes tour of Mount Rushmore.
Thanks to donations, we fulfilled 4 wishes in 2024 - bringing our total to 22 wishes granted since 2016! With your help, we can continue creating cherished visual memories.
VBLF is founded on the principal of paying forward the many kindnesses personally bestowed upon our co-founders, and we believe that work begins by giving back to our home community of Richland County. Being the only non-profit of our kind in the United States and serving children across the country gives us the opportunity to bring media attention not only to our mission, but also to our headquarters and hometown of Mansfield, OH.
In addition to helping children check items off of their visual bucket lists, VBLF also fosters partnerships to raise awareness about visual impairments and attract individuals to Richland County. From collaborating on an eye doctor exhibit at the Little Buckeye Children's Museum, putting together an exhibit for the Mansfield Children's Festival, bringing the visual delights of the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus to Lexington, OH, and presenting to companies such as Startek and organizations such as Richland Young Professionals, VBLF strives to raise awareness of visual impairments and their impact on children.
"Visual Bucket List Gives Lexington Student Dream Clubhouse" The Richland Source. 12 November 2020.
"Visual Bucket List Foundation Awarded $2,000 Donation from Safeco Insurance" The Richland Source. 27 September 2019.
"Startek Helps Visual Bucket List Foundation Grant Children's Wishes." The Richland Source. 2 August 2019.
"Bucket List Tour Kicks Off in Deadwood for Florida Family." Black Hills Fox News. 7 June 2019.
"Mansfield Nonprofit Gifts Florida Boy Wish List Trip." The Richland Source. 3 June 2019.
"Modern Woodmen of America Supports Fundraiser for the Visual Bucket List Foundation" The Richland Source. 25 February 2019.
"Visual Bucket List Foundation to Send 2 Shelby Girls to Disney." The Richland Source. 27 June 2018.
Organization name
Visual Bucket List Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Wishes
1669 Lexington Ave. Suite B